Top attractions

Die Bergstation und das Panoramarestaurant Alpen tower am Hasliberg im Winter.
Luftaufnahme der Bergstation und des Panoramarestaurants Alpen tower am Hasliberg im Winter.
© Jungfrau Region Tourismus AG. CC0 (OpenData)
Alpen tower

A view far into the Haslital

Wow. Up here, the Haslital really is lying at our feet. We won’t describe the view now. You have to experience that for yourself.


Where energy flows

At the Grimselwelt, you can experience the power of water up close. Our unique railway lets you marvel at nature from great heights.

Die verschneite Kapelle neben dem Hotel Grimsel Hospiz in der Grimselwelt im Haslital.
© Grimselwelt. CC0 (OpenData)
Ein Skifahrer unterwegs auf der beleuchteten Piste im Skigebiet Meringen-Hasliberg.
© Jungfrau Region Tourismus AG. CC0 (OpenData)
And much more...

The Aare Gorge, WollReich and more

We’ve mentioned the top attractions in the Haslital, but there’s still so much more to see and do!